My jaw hit the floor last night when I heard the news. The President is going to do ANOTHER speech, this will address the economy. What does he have to talk about? He got his stimulus, what more is he going to propose? He's been sitting in the White House for nearly an entire term, unemployment has never been south of 8%, and NOW he's coming to us with a plan? I thought the stimulus was supposed to do the trick, Keynesians?
Its commencing in under an hour, and, unless you are on vacation or part of his hard core base, you're working and can't engage in a drinking game. So, that said (and I'll look at the transcript and count), how many times will we hear these words or phrases?
- Inherited
- Previous Administration(s)
- Millionaires
- Billionaires
- Wealthiest Among Us
- Warren Buffett
- Buffett Rule
- Secretary
- Green Energy
- Invest In
- Ask A Little More
- Fair Share